Hanover Girls' Lacrosse
Mechanicsville, Virginia
Our History
Hanover High School is a high school located in Mechanicsville, Hanover County, Virginia, USA. The school opened during the 2003-04 academic year with Dr. Carol Cash as Principal. The second principal of the school was Mr. George Sadler, who took on the role when Dr. Cash retired in 2007. Mr Sadler retired from the role at the end of the 2011-2012 school year. Dr. Dana Gresham joined the school as Principal in July 2012 after recently serving as an Principal at Rural Point Elementary School. Mrs. Erica Gervais, Mrs. Francis Warnick, and Mr. Walt Mercer joined Dr. Gresham as Assistant Principals.
Activity and Athletics Department Mission
Our mission is to provide rigorous activity and athletic programs which compliment and support a challenging academic program.
Activity and Athletics Department Vision
To further develop and maintain competitive and successful activity and athletic programs while promoting good sportsmanship, integrity, honesty, and an appreciation for the entire school community.
Values of Hanover High School Student-Athletes
Pride – The student activities and athletic programs at Hanover will encourage all the students, athletes, teachers, sponsors, coaches, boosters, and parents to take pride in their designated role for Hawk Athletics and Extracurricular Activities. This community pride will encourage as many students as possible to participate in athletics and extracurricular activities at Hanover High School.
Hard Work – The student activities and athletic programs at HHS will develop and maintain a work ethic that is second to none. This work ethic will show in all aspects of school, from the playing fields to the classrooms.
Collaboration & Cooperation – Quality athletic and extracurricular programs will establish open lines of communication and a sense of cooperation that bridges these programs with teachers, school administration, and the community.
Promotion – Quality athletic and extracurricular programs will open doors for Hanover students to opportunities after their high school careers have ended.
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